Friday, May 11, 2012

Oil Pastel "Batiks"- glue on black paper

Although the materials are nothing like that of real wax-resist batik, the look is similar with wide, flowing outlines. Many of us were unsure of how this would turn out but we definitely surprised ourselves! Beautiful work 7th graders!


  1. These are beautiful! Can you tell me how you did them! I'm leaving in two weeks for maternity it something a sub could do?

  2. Hello, the same question here : Can you tell me how you did them! Why do you put it on the drying shelves ?

  3. that looks really basic just put the white glue in the design you want on the black paper like if you want a flower make a flower outline with the white glue let it dry and then color it with the oil pastels. you could also do the oil pastel while the glue is drying ans then when you are done put it on a shelf to finish drying... and so the colors won't get smudged while the oil pastel is sort of drying also... even though it shouldn't matter about the oil pastel drying...
